Wednesday, November 20, 2019

An Imaginary Inter-Religious Dialog
On How Christianity Originated

Between John, the Christian Apostle, and
 A Vedic Philosopher from India

Author: John Daniel Kunnathu


About the Author:
John D. Kunnathu is an educator and an author of several books. Born and raised in India, he spent almost a decade in Africa, and then two more in the US before he returned to India. His life experiences helped him develop a global outlook, which is clearly reflected in his work. He spreads the message of love and peace. He believes that one can be inclusive of all people in the world while having a firm footing in one’s own specific culture.  His other major works include
  • Gregorian Vision
  • In His Master’s Path 
  • An Orientation to our Life,
  • An Adventure Trip with Gd
  • Voices in the Wilderness 
Published by: Gregorian Study Circle 
Copyright 2019 by John Daniel Kunnathu 
No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages, without the consent of the author.

Contact info  Email:

1 comment:

  1. The author of this book has successfully presented the key points required for the transformation of human beings in the mental and spiritual levels. The points are wonderfully unveiled in this book based on the principles taught by our Lord Jesus. Moreover, the author has successfully united the key concepts of Indian religion with that of Christianity. This is a great achievement . This book will be an eye opener to all people for sure. Meaningful answers of some mysterious questions are also unveiled in this book. A little bit of modern science fiction is also a part of this book. If someone really understands the concepts and if he/she tries to apply the concepts in his or her life, it will definitely transform his/ her life.
